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How to prepare for Hurricane Season 2024

How to prepare for Hurricane Season 2024

Hurricane Preparedness Guide for Florida Homeowners: Tips from Property Heroes

As hurricane season approaches, Florida residents are gearing up to protect their homes and families from potential storms. At Property Heroes, we understand the importance of being proactive in preparing for natural disasters. That's why we've put together this comprehensive guide to help Florida homeowners get ready for hurricane season. From securing your property to safeguarding important documents, here's everything you need to know to stay safe and protected.

  1. Create a Hurricane Preparedness Plan:
    • Develop a family emergency plan that includes evacuation routes, designated meeting points, and communication strategies.
    • Compile a list of emergency contacts, including local authorities, utility providers, and insurance companies.
    • Determine the safest areas of your home for shelter during a storm and reinforce them if necessary.
  2. Documenting Your Entire Property:
    • Schedule a comprehensive inspection with Property Heroes to capture the current condition of your home.
    • Property Heroes utilizes the most up to date technology to capture every square inch. Our Matterport 3s allows for a scan of both the exterior and interior, giving the property owner a High-Definition 3D Walkthrough of your property.
    • In combination with the Eagleviews AI Autonomous Drone, that fully scans and captures the entire roof’s surface, allowing the viewer to zoom in 1 foot off the roof’s surface.
    • Keep a copy of our report with all other supporting documents to keep it in a safe place in the event you need to file a claim.
  3. Secure Your Property:
    • Trim trees and shrubs to minimize the risk of branches causing damage during high winds.
    • Reinforce windows and doors with storm shutters or plywood to protect against flying debris.
    • Secure outdoor furniture, decorations, and other loose items that could become projectiles in a storm.
  4. Stock Up on Emergency Supplies:
    • Create an emergency kit that includes non-perishable food, water, medications, flashlights, batteries, and first aid supplies.
    • Ensure you have an ample supply of essential items to last at least three days in the event of a power outage or evacuation.
  5. Review Your Insurance Coverage:
    • Review your homeowner’s insurance policy to understand what is covered in the event of hurricane damage.
    • Consider purchasing flood insurance, as standard homeowners insurance policies typically do not cover flood damage.
    • Keep important documents, such as insurance policies, deeds, and identification, in a waterproof and fireproof safe or digital storage.
  6. Stay Informed:
    • Monitor local weather forecasts and advisories to stay informed about approaching storms.
    • Sign up for emergency alerts and notifications from local authorities to receive timely updates and evacuation orders.
    • Follow evacuation orders issued by officials and evacuate to a safe location if necessary.

Conclusion: At Property Heroes, we're committed to helping Florida homeowners prepare for hurricane season and protect their properties against potential damage. By following these tips and working with our team to conduct a thorough inspection of your home, you can ensure that you're ready to weather any storm that comes your way. Stay safe, stay prepared, and don't hesitate to reach out to us for assistance with your hurricane preparedness efforts.